The quarrel is not between ourselves, it is within us. The quarrel is between one’s own desires and that which is demanded. The quarrel is between the body and its longings, the soul and its terrors, and the mind, yearning to be free. The quarrel defines us. It drives us forwards, upwards, to our knees in prayer. You must embrace the quarrel. The quarrel will lead us to the answer. It is everything we are.*
I have loved the unfolding stories in Call the Midwife over the years. For its socio-cultural and historical relevance as seen through the eyes of nurse-midwives in the midst of changing societal norms. For its honest depictions of the communal life of nuns during the mid 20th century. For its exquisite character portrayals within a brilliant ensemble cast.
It’s been nearly a decade since I relinquished my cable TV service. [My 60th birthday gift to myself was to wrap the cable box with yellow ribbon to return it to the cable TV office!] Since then, I’ve relied on Netflix DVDs to get my “fix”. Once I made it through Series 1 through 7, I was left waiting until Series 8 not only came to the US, but then was actually available via DVD.
This evening, my patience was amply rewarded.
I so loved the above wisdom offered by the newly introduced cast member. It resonated for me on so many levels—both personally and societally. Its relevance seems to match the description of our space here: that of “Choosing Courageous Wellbeing: Inside me, with you, among us.”
Learning to be in “right relationship” with the quarrels inside and around us. For within the quarrel lies the “heart of the matter”—the seed of the answers we seek.
* Call the Midwife, Series 8, 2018 Christmas Episode.