When do you go back home? What are your plans after the conference?
At the time I write this, I’ve been in Mexico for a little over a week. For a 4 1/2 day conference. With a couple of extra days on either end of long air-travel days.
Throughout this entire time away, it’s seemed as though every conversation has included some variant of the above two questions. The first was easy to answer: “Wednesday”. The second, required some evolutionary finessing to feel more comfortable inside of me.
At first, my initial response consisted of a rather waffly “Don’t know. Haven’t decided yet.” counterpoint to others’ clear itinerary of daily plans. Eventually, after a few days, I found a definitive (for them) and deliciously satisfying (for me) response: “Unstructured Serendipity”.
These past two days have been wondrously delightful. Low-key and unplanned until individual opportunities arrived. Yes, some opportunities were missed (yet, I harbor no regrets). And, I’ll head back home tomorrow with no lingering need to “let my soul catch up with my body”.
That phrase is the punchline of a story Terry Hershey tells at the beginning of the video [2.08 min] below, entitled Sitting Still.
DO sit still long enough to hear his suggestion during the last 30 seconds. It’s priceless – and pairs perfectly with the idea of unstructured serendipity, I think.
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