Vitamins and Whole Food
Welcome to the 4th episode [2.50 min] of this Health Professionals Roundtable and learn from the panelist how and why eating more fruits and vegetables is the most affordable health care plan in which you can invest.
Note: If you missed Parts 1-3, you can access them here:
- Part 1 – The Power of Food
- Part 2 – Educating Patients
- Part 3 – Recommended Servings
If you have been searching for answers for better health, may I invite you to consider the following question:
How would you feel if you actually ate as well as you know you should?
For example, as you scan each of the photos below, pause for a moment to consider how you might feel if you were somehow able to include all (or even most) of these in your diet, EVERY day….
If you’d like more information about Juice Plus+, you can email me directly or by using the form below.
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