…you actually ate as well as you know you should?
You might as well stand unprotected in front of an X-ray machine as to not eat enough fruits and vegetables. Dr. Bruce Ames, winner of the National Medal of Science
But, just how many fruits and vegetables are “enough” these days?
Current recommendations say we should eat 7-13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.
The problem? Almost no one does. We either can’t, won’t or simply don’t.
No shame and no blame if you don’t eat enough, either.
Let’s face it. It’s hard to be consistent every single day.
But let me ask you something…
As you scan each of the next three photos, pause for a moment to consider how you might feel if you were somehow able to include all (or even most of these) in your diet every day…..
And, what if I were to show you a simple, easy way that would help you “Bridge the Gap™”?
Well, here it is => Juice Plus®. Simple. Easy. Smart.
I’d love to hear your thoughts about how your health and well-being might benefit from adding more fruits and veggies to your body every day. [You can leave a comment in the box (below) or send me a private message.]
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