Several years ago, I developed an interactive workshop–drawing on the teaching wisdom of Bebe Simon and Janet Klein, using the framework of Suzanne Noel‘s H.O.W. Model–designed to help explore the “learning edges” of our continually unfolding lives.
Since then, I have shared this experience at several international conferences with the Focusing community, as well as with colleagues within my Art of Convening and Sutra communities.
This deeply interactive session is designed to invite and evoke both individual and a collective embodied wisdom around a two-part journey:
- Creating containers of safety in which all can become “like-hearted” enough to allow each other a safe and supportive space in which to be themselves.
- Allowing and embracing a sense of feeling “uncomfortable” (either within ourselves or with each other) that inhabits the starting point of any emergent process of learning and/or change.
[Included here is a paper (downloadable pdf]) I wrote describing one of these workshops.]
In a spirit of heart-centered generosity and recognition that whatever I have created has [at least, in part] been inspired by and/or adapted/derived from what I have learned from others, I offer this exercise using a Creative Commons “some rights reserved” copyright license called CC BY-SA.
CC BY-SA: This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The license allows for commercial use. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.
Although not required, I’d love your feedback and invite you to share your own experiences using these exercises.