Welcome to Lesson 4 in this 7-part e-course, Finding Center. [Printable (pdf) version]
Here’s today’s exercise: How Am I Feeling Right Now? [Listen / download mp3]
Take a moment to gently notice your breathing. And then, taking a moment to look at the chart that’s included with this exercise
One by one, inviting a sense of “Is THIS how I feel right NOW?” Noticing how EACH option feels inside. Whether it’s “yes” or “no” or “not quite” or maybe even “it’s a little bit of this and some of that.”
Just noticing….nothing else to do….
Knowing that you can always pause at any time during your day to notice how you’re feeling in the moment. [You might even want to print out a copy of the chart and post it someplace that you pass throughout the day—mine’s on my refrigerator.]
Welcome back! What did you notice?
It’s possible that some uncomfortable thoughts and/or feelings may have surfaced during today’s exercise. If so, here’s a link (mp3–about 13 minutes long) to a guided Focusing exercise you might find helpful, entitled Saying Hello to Something.
I’d love for you to share any of your observations, comments about today’s lesson or the e-course in general, either by email or by phone: (517) 484-3127.
I look forward to sending you the 5th lesson in the e-course. You’ll find it in your email inbox tomorrow. See you then!
Mary Elaine Kiener, RN, PhD
Creative Energy Officer (CEO)