Is self-care a recurring item on your “should do” list?
Let’s face it – you lead a busy life and you know how to get things done!
It doesn’t make sense. How could self-care have become this seemingly unsolvable problem? If self-care were a problem to be solved, you’d already be doing it.
No doubt you already understand the importance of self-care. Especially that part about “putting your own oxygen mask on first.” But knowing something is a lot easier sometimes than doing it.
It’s just that self-care comes from a different state of mind (and heart). It involves creating a sense of wellbeing–rather than just doing things well.
The good news is: the seeds of effective self-care are right there–within reach, deep inside you–often within that very feeling of something’s missing in your life. And those seeds are waiting for you to nourish them into life.
Here at ASK ME House, we offer several nurturing pathways to Courageous Self Care:
- Focused Self-Care
- Nourished Self-Care
- StressWell™